venerdì 15 luglio 2016

The final countdown down

Two days more and then home. This great experience is going to finish.

  Stunning views,

Great food

Excellent lessons

New friends and perspective  European partners.

Thank God everything went well. We go back richer than we arrived. Our teachers and the activties that they proposed have been great. We enjoyed their lessons and hope to be able to share what we learned with our students 

Effective use of technology with the classroom


Le lezioni di tecnologia si fanno sempre più interessanti e utili.
Dan, il nostro teacher trainer, ci mostra il procedimento, poi ci lascia provare e riprovare.

Attività pratiche da svolgere a scuola con la lavagna interattiva: Hyperlink, Drag and Drop, Rub & Reveal. Finalmente posso usarla come si deve!!!😃

L'insegnante pone delle domande, poi scrive la risposta esatta sulla LIM e la copre con l' evidenziatore bianco e la svela dopo che tutte le possibili risposte sono state date dagli alunni.

Drag & Drop permette di trascinare parole e collegarle ad immagini o altre parole

giovedì 14 luglio 2016

Un'esperienza indimenticabile

 Erasmus plus at Scarborough
Un'esperienza indimenticabile  Unforgettable experience. 

Full immersion  di inglese. Lezioni mattino e pomeriggio, famiglia ospitante, scuola internazionale. 

Il cibo, sempre vario, è squisito e racconta della cultura inglese. Anche a tavola si può imparare e far pratica di inglese.

I compagni di corso sono compagni di avventura e una possibilità di crescita umana e professionale.

La lingua l'abbiamo anche appresa durante i viaggi di istruzione settimanali.

Cosa ho imparato?

Quello che ho imparato  è incommensurabile: parole nuove, comunicazione in inglese; nuovi modi di pensare, mangiare, agire...

Chi ha detto che gli inglesi cucinano male? Quanti pregiudizi!

 Momento di pausa e incontro con i colleghi

Visita ad una scuola statale. Abbiamo assistito ad un'assemblea tenuta dal vice preside. La visita ci ha permesso di conoscere da vicino la realtà scolastica inglese e l'organizzazione di una scuola tipo. Abbiamo assistito ad alcune lezioni ed abbiamo potuto fare un confronto critico e costruttivo con le nostre realtà scolastiche.

mercoledì 13 luglio 2016

...let's keep going with the methodology course.

Listening: an example.
Pair work.
  1. Student A has got a complete drawing of a kitchen and he has to tell student B ( who has got the same incomplete drawing) what thinks to draw and where to draw them.
  2. Student B has to listen carefully and complete the drawing.  

Speaking: an example.
Pair work: watching  a video.
  1. First part of the video: student A close the eyes while student B explains what is happening on the video.
  2. Second part of the video: change role.
  3. Both students watch all the video to check their listening.
Eccellent activity to practice vocabulary and grammar as well.

At the methodology course...

Reading, writing, listening and speaking are developped through a range of exciting exercises which could motivate our students to learn a foreign language in an attractive way.

Reading: an example.
Before starting:
  1. brainstorming with  the class about the missing word of the title of the article written on the board;
  2. invite students to write down some questions whose answers they would expect to find in the article.
This pre-reading activity makes the students curious to read the article and find the answers. 

Writing: an example.
Meeting with the famous English writer G.P. Taylor who told us how to start writing a story: create the profile of the main character.
  1. Physical description (e.g. size, appearance...).
  2. Emotional description (e.g. optimiste, sad...).
  3. Dark side (e.g. anger, lack of listening..).  

martedì 12 luglio 2016

SCALBY SCHOOL: When the going gets tough, the tough get going


"Being the best we can be"

The way of the success


What lies behind us and what lies ahead of us are tiny matters to what lies within us.
(Ciò che c'è dentro di noi e ciò che c'è davanti a noi sono piccole questioni in confronto a ciò che c'è dentro di noi)


Scalby school's slogan.
 A detail of a classroom.
Each face of the pyramid displays cluster of words and punctuation.

Afternoon timetable.

A part of a lesson.

      The school gym.

You'd better watch out! 

Art attack.

 Work (in) progress.

Don't forget it...

 Look at the keyword, explain the meaning and  give an example.

His name is Mr Tie: his tie shows math formulas.

School canteen: weekly menu for all.

lunedì 11 luglio 2016


School trips are part of the course. Open air lessons. Mick, our guide shows us places to visit and their history. We learn about culture and practice language: a lot of listening and speaking.
Whitby Abbey  built in 657, then destroyed by Vikings in 867. Normans rebuilt it in 1078. It was named after Saint Peter and Saint Hilda.

The Pretty ROBIN HOOD'S BAY once popular among smugglers for its strategic position near the sea and its small houses very close to each other which permitted quick escapes to smugglers.

 "Hogwarts " School where some of HARRY POTTER'S films are set. It's in Edinburgh, Scotland

venerdì 8 luglio 2016

Guided tour to Scarborough, Robin Hood's bay and Whitby.


Scaborough: our host town.

Lovely town where you can enjoy the wonderful nature, the glorious past and the amazing views.

Robin Hood's Bay: a small fishing village famous for its past in pirates smuggling and the phenomena of high and low tide. 


Whitby: a village with an old monastery chosen as setting for one of the Dracula films.